Saturday, 1 November 2008
GLG chief Emmanuel Roman warns thousands of hedge funds on brink of failure
By Rowena Mason
Last Updated: 5:50PM BST 24 Oct 2008
Emmanuel Roman, of GLG Partners, said 25pc-30pc of the world’s 8,000 hedge funds would disappear "in a Darwinian process", either going bust or deciding meagre profits are not worth their efforts.
"This will go down in the history books as one of the greatest fiascos of banking in 100 years," said Mr Roman
Sunday, 26 October 2008
American financier kills his family and himself after losing fortune in credit crunch
Last updated at 1:15 AM on 08th October 2008
Karthik Rajaram, 45, who had made almost £900,000 on the London stock market, shot his wife, three children and mother-in-law in the head before turning the gun on himself at the family home near Los Angeles.
He was found with the gun still in his hand.
In a suicide note to police, he blamed the killings on financial hardship brought on by a collapse in shares.
'Despicable': White House slams AIG bosses who went on lavish £250,000 trip days after £48bn government bail-out

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 8:06 AM on 09th October 2008
The White House has slammed the bosses of a failed insurance giant who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a posh California retreat just days after getting a £48bn bail-out using taxpayers' money.
A White House spokesman said the junket was a 'despicable' move from the bosses of American International Group, AIG.
AIG executives racked up a huge tab during the week-long getaway.
Meeting of the Mafia

The financial crisis could be the euro's death knell ... and even end the shambolic EU
By Christopher Booker
Last updated at 1:42 AM on 08th October 2008
At the very moment when Europe's banking system is teetering on the edge of collapse and national economies are in freefall, we might, perhaps, have expected the EU finally to live up to its more grandiose pretensions as the ' government of Europe'.
Yet what have we seen by way of the EU's response to what is undoubtedly the most testing crisis in its history?
A few perfunctory fine words and empty gestures - and then the national leaders flapping off like so many headless chickens to pursue their own national interests, regardless of all those laws and principles which in easier times they were apparently so happy to sign up to.
RBS chiefs are facing fresh calls for their heads after banks bail-out

By Nick Goodway
Last updated at 4:25 PM on 08th October 2008
Sir Fred Goodwin, chief executive of royal Bank of Scotland, and his chairman Sir Tom McKillop were once again under pressure to quit after today's £500billion banks bailout.
But RBS denied categorically the two men were going, and dismissed reports that Goodwin will be replaced by Stephen Hester, the former investment banker who was on the boards of Abbey and Northern rock and is now chief executive of British Land.
All moved to Bucharest, mate? (which they have done!)
Disgraced chief of failed bank Lehman Brothers pocketed £172million before collapse

By David Gardner
Last updated at 1:33 AM on 08th October 2008
The disgraced head of the giant investment bank whose collapse set off a panic which led to the US economic rescue package took home more than £172 million since 2000, he told the U.S. Congress.
Richard S Fuld Jr, chief executive officer of Lehman Brothers, ignored a warning that the bank's 'liquidity can disappear quite fast' and dismissed suggestions that staff may not get their bonuses.
Days from becoming the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history, Lehman Brothers steered millions to departing executives even while pleading for a federal rescue, Congress heard.
Fear gripping stock market

Jonathan Prynn and Nicholas Cecil
Blind panic swept through the City today as the Stock Market collapsed.
Traders were in a state of “paralytic fear” when shares fell through the floor just after the 8am opening.
During an extraordinary seven-minute frenzy the FTSE-100 shed 10 per cent, losing £105 billion in value at a rate of £250 million a second.
Osborne........The ruling class. running true to form
Dominatrix Natalie Rowe: I don't think he'd seen anything like that before
By Sara Nuwar, 26/10/2008, News of the World
THE hunger to hob-nob with the super-rich that landed George Osborne in such trouble this week came as no surprise to the vice queen who knew him well in his formative years.
For dominatrix Natalie Rowe saw at first hand the desperate longing of a gauche Oxford student struggling to fit in with the fabulously wealthy like university pal Nat Rothschild.
As the vice girl watched this week’s scandal unfold over Osborne’s dealings with Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska on his yacht, she recalled how the young George—from the Osborne & Little fabrics family—was once snubbed by the sons of the gentry.
And she revealed how she and the young Tory were drawn together as she supplied girls and drugs to parties for some of Oxford’s notorious Bullingdon Club drinking circle. Its members included both Osborne and his former pal Rothschild, the man now accusing the top Tory of soliciting a £50,000 donation from aluminium tycoon Deripaska.
Natalie told us: “I felt an empathy with George because we were both treated like outsiders. There was a bond between us.
“The others picked on him. He hadn’t gone to Eton, he wasn’t really one of them. He didn’t have blue blood, that’s why he didn’t quite fit in.
“They were all snobs. They called his dad a ‘curtain maker’. Because he was overweight they called him Jelly Belly and Georgie Porgy. He used to wear baggy jumpers to hide the flab.
“But he’s always been ambitious and he tolerated that bunch because he used them as a stepping-stone. He knew he had to hang around in the right circles to get where he wanted.”
And while Osborne loved rubbing shoulders with the mega- rich and aristocrats, he also found himself magnetically attracted to the sleazier side of life.
Miss Whiplash and vice madam Natalie, 45, revealed: “George was fascinated when he heard what I did for a living. He wanted to know about the clients, how much I charged, what went on. He seemed a bit more than curious about what went on.
“He wanted to see the equipment—the whips, the chains, the belts.
“He was particularly interested in the dog collars we put on clients and the rubber underpants they wear as submissive slaves.
“I don’t think he’d seen anything like that before.
“George was intrigued by all my stories and wanted to be shown how hard it would be to be hit. I told him that most of the guys tend to use the sex drug amyl nitrate. He smelt it but I don’t think he was too keen on it. He even met a client. Once George and his friends were at my flat while I was actually having a session with a paying customer.
“I had the man on all fours with a collar on and beat him. I was making him bark like a dog and act like a slave. They found it quite funny.
“None of them hid the fact they liked it and they weren’t embarrassed. They were turned on by it.”
Natalie, who styled herself as Mistress Pain and ran an escort agency called Black Beauties, met Osborne and Rothschild through her boyfriend at the time, fellow Bullingdon member William Sinclair, grandson of Winston Churchill’s wartime air minister Sir Archibald Sinclair.
He wanted to be shown how hard it would be to be hit
Our exclusive photograph of Natalie in a figure-hugging PVC dress was taken at her west London flat where she threw a string of wild parties. Osborne was a regular guest.
It was there the pair grew close. “George was attracted to me,” she recalled. “And I actually fancied him. In the beginning it was a turn on because it was our little secret, that electricity.
“I did kiss George. But to be honest he wasn’t that sexually experienced and he was a bit fumbly.
“I used to think he was a little bit of a wimp but I quite liked that.”
Osborne was offended when some members of the Oxford group would hurl racial slurs at Natalie. But she says that he was still so desperate to fit in that he didn’t have the courage to stop them. “There was one occasion they were taking the mickey out of me at a party,” she told us.
“They were making monkey noises and saying abusive things. They even used the word n*gger. George was there and I was hurt that he didn’t say anything.
“But he’d put his arms round me and comfort me and I did feel a connection. He didn’t stand up to the others, though. He didn’t want to upset them.” Despite that, Natalie insists she was still very fond of Osborne who she considered the nicest of the group of friends.
I felt an empathy with George. There was a bond between us
She said he was more compassionate than the others and would offer her advice on her rocky relationship with William.
“George and I would cuddle on the sofa and talk to each other about his friends,” she said.
“If I hadn’t been with William perhaps I could have been with George. We could have gone out with each other. There was an attraction and there was a time when we thought ‘Why is William in the equation?’”
The pair’s close friendship drew suspicions that they had fallen in love and, on one occasion jealous William even fought with the future Shadow Chancellor.
Natalie recalled: “George and I were sat on a two-seat sofa and William got offended when George whispered something to me.
“William demanded to know what we were talking about then lunged at George and chairs went flying. But they weren’t trying to punch each other out and it was all over in 20 seconds.
“They were all really close in that group, all of them.” Natalie said Osborne would be present when members of the group returned to her home for parties often involving cocaine, which Osborne has categorically denied taking with Natalie.
“When they had coke they would probably divvy up a gram and a half,” she said. “They’d have competitions to see who could snort the longest line and get completely wasted.
“George would drink vodka and white wine. When he drank he’d get really p***ed and start dancing and we’d have our little laughs together.
“They all loved music by Elvis Presley. They’d also sing Gold by Spandau Ballet and George liked David Bowie’s Heroes.”
Remarkably, while sat in the home of a dominatrix, the 22-year-old Osborne bragged how he would one day become Prime Minister.
Natalie said: “He was absolutely sure about what he’d be doing. And I joked that I had all the evidence on him.”
On another occasion, after the birth of her son in 1996, Natalie says she met Osborne’s future wife at a dinner party. Frances, who married the MP in 1998, seemed shocked and disgusted at her line of work.
Natalie was this week intrigued how, given their once close friendship, the damaging claims that today threaten Osborne’s political future actually came from financier Nat Rothschild, heir to a family baronetcy and a £500 million banking fortune. She recalled how the two students and their band of pals would head to the country for wild weekends.
“The Bullingdon Club thought they were untouchable,” she said. “They thought they could do what they wanted. They had money and arrogance. They thought there were no consequences, anything goes.”
She said the group’s bad behaviour came to a head in March 1994 at the Rothschilds’ stately home, Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire. She thinks both Nat and Osborne were among the 40-strong party.
Natalie sent three strippers and was asked to make sure the women were “tall, dark and slim and with figures like Naomi Campbell.”
Around six grams of cocaine were also provided for the club members to snort. As well as stripping, it was made clear that the girls’ services would extend to “extras”—sex with guests.
But Natalie claims the party degenerated into a humiliating experience for the girls who were abused by some braying Bullingdon boys.
“The girls were made to feel like they were nothing,” she said. “They climbed on to the bar or a table and started to strip and gyrate. But the guests were mauling them and jeering. It was horrendous. The guys were trying to touch them and shouting abuse, throwing champagne and spitting.
“There was nothing decent in the way they treated the girls.
“Then it got down to who would sleep with who. Who was going to have the girls first.”
The woman were left shaken by the experience and enraged when one wealthy punter refused to pay the agreed £350 for his sex session.
As the girls tried to leave their car was surrounded by men who started to rock the vehicle. The police were called but no action was taken. Afterwards Osborne visited Natalie to apologise and Rothschild called to say sorry. “I was furious,” she said.
As Natalie this week surveyed the debris of Osborne’s relationship with his accuser Rothschild and pondered the reasons behind the row, she admitted: “I can’t believe George would want to annoy Nat. He knows so much about him.
“I can’t imagine why he’d want to get on the wrong side of him.
“But Osborne’s sloppy isn’t he?
“Remember that photograph he had taken with me and there was cocaine on the table? Who would do that. He’s not very careful.”